Home of mena racing

Second Fastest Track Time - Off by 0.002 Sec

Perfect Racing Score - 260 Points

6th Place in National Finals - 35 Teams Total

About us

MENA Racing was created in 2022 to compete in the F1 in Schools competition F1 in Schools is a worldwide STEM challenge for ages 9 to 19. It is an opportunity for students to compete against other teams and improve their design, marketing and collaboration skills. Our team is tasked with creating a miniature compressed air-powered car and racing it against other teams.

National Finals 2023 – Rookie Category

Proudly Sponsored By:

Anns Fasteners 

Anns Fasteners:  “In the construction industry when a finished product has to meet a certain specification, the client is unsure on how to select the product. With our design capability, we can meet aesthetic and technical requirement of the product and prepare designs as per the customer requirement.”




Pearl Touch Scaffolding 

Pearl Touch Scaffolding: “We specialize in scaffolding access used in general construction. These scaffolding types are referred to as Independent run (Facade or Independent Tied) Scaffolding. These types of scaffolding planks have two lines of posts (also referred to as standards).”





SimScale is a full-cloud CAE simulation software that helps you perform CFD, FEA, and thermal simulations for CAD models in the cloud. We use SimScale to run aerodynamic tests on our car and improve our overall performance. 




Desert Sands 3D

Desert Sands 3D is aiming to be your next 3D printing partner. They pride themselves in always delivering the best quality and are constantly improving their printers and processes.




Jump Sports Academy

JSA’s experienced, qualified and passionate coaches utilize their unique sports curriculums to develop positive social habits, individual skills and challenge students to evolve mentally and physically to reach their highest potential in sport and in life.
